Pickleball, fajitas, margaritas... and you 🥳

The fundraising writing newsletter about your donor communications
man with mullet playing pickleball

Welcome to the 39th issue of the newsletter all about your donor communications. Happy you're here! Did someone thoughtful forward you this email? You can get your own free subscription here.

In this issue:

  • Pickleball, fajitas, margaritas... and you, Reader?
  • Full Ginsu-Julie Mode!
  • Readably yours: free learning content you'll love

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

How do you collect and keep your fundraising stories?

Does it involve...

Pickleball, fajitas, and margaritas?️

Brett here, with a question for you:

Last week, Julie and I were talking to a client (let's call her Olivia) about stories we might use for a couple of appeals that we'll be writing for her org.

Julie said to Olivia, "You do such a great job collecting and keeping your fundraising stories!"

To which Olivia said, "Thanks. I bribe my staff to get all the details."

"That's a good use of brownies," I rejoined, just guessing as to Olivia's bribing tactics.

But I was wrong about the brownies. Olivia corrected me:

"I'm going to take my staff to play pickleball. Then we'll go out for fajitas and margaritas. Oh, I'll get those stories."

And this is when Julie and I performed a synchronized jaw-drop maneuver on Zoom.

Invest in your storytelling – brilliant!!

But how?

(other than pickleball, fajitas, and margaritas)

Consider these 4 Options:

  1. Read this Tom Ahern book and/or this Jeff Brooks book. So much wisdom and inspiration is packed into those pages.
  2. Study examples you find in your direct mail and email appeals swipe files. (You are keeping these, right? If not, you should start today!)
  3. Attend Julie's May 5th webinar all about fundraising storytelling.
  4. All of the above.

In her fundraising storytelling webinar, Julie will share many tips on how to collect and keep your fundraising stories.

She'll also go...

Full Ginsu-Julie Mode!️

Translation: the money you spend to register for Julie's webinar represents an investment, not a cost.

Which reminds me of: "But wait, there's more!"

When I was a kid, I learned of this old trope from the (really bad) Ginsu Knife commercials.

These 4 well worn words are a punchline now... yet in this case they also happen to be true.

Your investment in training should pay off and then some as soon as you implement what you've learned, and –


– you'll get the many benefits of Julie's storytelling knowledge and experience in one nifty, sharp collection.

Just look at what you'll receive when you register for Julie's May 5th webinar:

Slice and dice!

In case you're wondering, this webinar is called:

"How to Write a Fundraising Story: Memorable Storytelling that Moves Donors to FEEL More, CARE More, and GIVE More"

It will happen on May 5th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.

Why not register for Julie's brand new webinar right now, and rest easy knowing you've taken one big thing off of your plate?

(And soon you'll be inspired by the many keen insights you'll glean... and you'll feel confident and ready to make more money and do more good for your good cause.)

See you there and then?

Hey, look, the clock is ticking...

Readably yours: free learning content you'll love...

girl laughing as she reads a book

Each of the following represents a wise investment of your reading time. We loved them. Maybe you will too? Check 'em out!

Until next time: May your days be filled with pickleball, fajitas, and margaritas. And may all your stories be good ones. 💖

We'll see you in your inbox soon!

All our best,

image of Julie Cooper

Julie Cooper & Brett Cooper
Fundraising Copywriters & Communications Strategists


PS: Why not recruit an "all-star team" – The Case Writers – to take on your donor communications?

Imagine having us on your side: Tom Ahern, John Lepp and Jen Love, Jeff Brooks, Maggie Cohn, Leah Eustace, Andrea Hopkins, and Julie and Brett Cooper.

Interested? Contact us, risk-free.

PPS: Do you need a coaching program that's tailored to you, your organization, and the specific challenges and opportunities you face? Moceanic Coaching+ might be what you need to beat your fundraising targets by 2x, 3x, or more! Book a free call with me. I'd be happy to chat with you about how Sean Triner, Christiana Stergiou, Jeff Brooks, Fiona McPhee, and I can help your team reach your goals faster.

Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter

We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. 💛 Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

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